Sunday, 5 May 2013

The Promise

Today, feeling just a little Poe-faced...

The Promise

Giggling, she led him up,
Ever up the winding stair,
Skirts a-swishing, tresses fair,
To a quiet landing where,
With a lewdly knowing wink,
She drew him to a closed oak door,
With promises of much and more,
Their way lit by her candlestick,
Turned the brassy handle – ‘click’,
And pulled him through, where lay a room,
All walled in, no sun, no moon,
Behind them swung the door, locked fast,
He bore down on her, eyes dark-cast,
“What have you done? We’re trapped inside”
She met his gaze, “Just you, not I”
And disappeared with spectral sigh.

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