Tuesday, 9 April 2013

NaPoWriMo day 9

NaPoWriMo day 9. The theme is noir, noir is the theme.

Colour me noir

Lamplight and shadows,
Black big-sixes,
Chinks of white light cut through Camel-filtered air,
Honed sharp by silver gelatin,
Wiseguys with telltale armpit-bulges,
Sip bootleg whiskey sours,
Speakeasy-speech is spoken hard,
Of rubes and capers, shivs and bulls,
Chassis-hungry heavies snatch leaden-lidded glances,
At platinum blondes, all kohled-up and Sheba-eyed,
Peering down on dirty deals
Struck in sepia-smogged back-alleys,
Whispered threats,
Colt’s spitfire crack,
Blood-stained spats,
Dull thud in the night,
Battered brown suitcase changes dead hands,
The flash of a monogram,
A furtive glance - a witness seen, flees;
This story’s just beginning.

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