Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Vicarious performance

Inspired by a 2-hour performance by Louiza Hamidi in Southampton, 26th April 2013.

Vicarious performance (mask)

I am scared and crying,
The slab-cold meat
Hangs cloyingly upon my face,
I sicken at its stink,
Its bloody mess
Will not let me see,
Out through the glass in front of me.

I am scared and crying,
I know the passers-by are staring,
In from the street, uncomprehending,
But I’m blinded by the flesh,
All I can do is stand, impassive,
A test of strength –
‘No reaction’ equals power
Over obstacles and fears
And any inability to access, connect, engage.

I am scared and crying,
But the rawness hides my tears.

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